Tuesday, August 31, 2010

The irritation of the day...

Dear local radio station,
This morning, I woke up at 0345, which is standard for me. In my foggy, half awake state, imagine my surprise this morning when I flicked on the radio, and heard...classic rock? I had expected the only radio show in which I truly listen to...Coast to Coast AM. I do not remember hearing a commercial or station announcement regarding a change of program. I even checked the date, to assure myself that it was not April 1st either.

I am somewhat puzzled as to what happened. Coast to Coast AM is a 4 hour talk show from 1am to 5am each night. It is the singular most popular late night talk show, with some 36 million listeners across the world. Do the right thing, and put it back on. I have no desire to listen to your other programming. I am a conservative, but a middle of the road conservative. I don't need to listen to Lush Bimbo or Baby Jesus spouting that the world will end because a liberal is in the White House. At least Coast to Coast AM was "fair and balanced".

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