Wednesday, January 14, 2009

A different look at the issue...

White Church member (hereafter called "WASP"): "I'm sorry, but I can't allow this marriage to take place."
African American (hereafter called "SLAVE"): "But master, I don't understand. I love this woman. We don't want to raise our children out of wedlock because we respect the bonds of matrimony. Why is this so?"
WASP: "Because, oh little one, we who 'made' this country based its laws on a book written centuries ago, long before we recognized your type in this world. This book defines marriage as a state between two WASPs. There was no mention of ones such as you, so therefore there must not be a marriage among SLAVES. That simply cannot be."
SLAVE: "But master, was there mention of Native Americans in this book of which you speak?"
WASP: "Don't be silly. Of course not."
SLAVE: "Are the Chinese written about in this book?"
WASP: "Not at all. Why on earth would that matter?"
SLAVE: Well, if they are mentioned in the book, and we're not mentioned in the book, then how is it possible for Native Americans & Chinese, for example, to get married and not us?"
WASP: "It just is. Now excuse me while I try to forget that you are here."

What's my point you might ask? Just this. Christians have made it a moral crusade to prevent homosexuals from marrying. Frankly, this puzzles me. I've heard the arguments. "Marriage is defined as a union between man and woman in the bible." is the most common. To this, I will not argue. It is there, I have read it. I understand. However, it also says in the bible that slavery is acceptable. I don't hear many people arguing for that in the last 130 or so years. So I began to ponder what the difference between the two is in the minds of most Christians. Or, more importantly, the religious organizations who oversee the faithful flocks. Then I remembered what a former professor of mine hammered into my head about organized religions. Follow the money.
If former slaves become land owning, income earning citizens (and have already been converted) then they will contribute to the coffers of the church through tithes and offerings, this increasing the financial power of the church. Since the church already has a policy of "don't ask, don't tell" about homosexuality (and therefore has gay church members filling the coffers) they don't stand to gain from allowing same sex marriages. I won't even discuss why marriages are allowed between couples from, let's say, a Buddhist background, whom Christians consider non-believers.
I've spent a great deal of time with many different couples. Some Christian, some not. Some homosexual, some heterosexual. I'm convinced that sexuality doesn't matter in a family unit. Love, understanding, respect, compassion and tolerance are all ingredients in a healthy relationship, and are the building blocks of an excellent family unit. Sexual preference is not included, so it should be irrelevant.
The state of Maine has just started (once again) the debate of legalizing same sex marriage. Can someone give me a decent, rational argument as to why it shouldn't be allowed? I would love a debate. Bring it on...

1 comment:

Runnergirl said...

I would join in the debate, but I am in total agreement with you!