Thursday, January 8, 2009

A new take on prenuptials

For those of you who may not know, I am a Reverend for a group called Inter-Faith Ministries. We deal with couples who practice multiple faiths (i.e. one spouse may be Catholic while the other is Jewish, etc.). Both within the confines of my ministry as well as from previous experience, I have dealt with many different couples. I have shed tears of laughter with some, as well as tears of heartbreak with others. What I saw today was a first though:

The gist of the story is that a 40 year-old Long Island physician is embroiled in a 4 year long divorce with his wife. "What is taking so long?" you may ask? Well, he doesn't want the house, money, or any of the material property. He "just" wants his kidney back. "Or equivalent value", which is $1.5 million.

Huh. Guess I didn't know I was a millionaire 3 times over as soon as I was born.

But wait, let's dig a little bit deeper. According to Med Tech, the value of a kidney on the black market is only $85,000. Hmmm, so why the difference? Well, if you dig a little bit deeper, you'll find that $1.5 million is the total value of the couple's estate. This translates to "I should have let you die when I had the chance" syndrome.
Now, I realize that a divorce is a messy, uncomfortable, hurtful act between two people. I have been through one, I know personally. I spent almost a month in a tent in November (in Maine) because of one. The quicker it is over, the quicker the healing can begin for both parties. The fact that the plaintiff isn't willing to allow even his own healing to begin begs the question:

Does "humanity" exist in humans anymore?

More on this later...when I'm less disgusted.

P.S.: Does this mean that every person I saved as an EMS provider owes me personally now? [insert disgusted head shake here]

P.S.S.: Does this mean that I can sue my ex-wife for all the "donated" sperm?
(I'm kidding, of course!)

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